Our Group
We make a serious effort to train the specific taiji system taught by Patrick Kelly, the only non-Chinese "inner school" student of Huang Xingxian. An article by PK (in both Chinese and English) on his teacher HXX here. Our main aim is to develop ourselves internally following PK’s teachings based on his deep training in the Daoist, Sufi, and Yogic traditions.
Training Curriculum
· Huang Xingxian's 5 loosening exercises
· Zheng Manqing's 37 posture short form
· Yang Chengfu's 108 posture long form
· 8 basic fixed pattern push hands exercises
· guided meditation
Instructor Bio
Our group was started in 2021 by Charlie Liu, who has been exclusively training Patrick Kelly's approach since meeting PK in 2014, mostly with Tim Suh in Chicago 2015-2017. Tim Suh, Guillem Bernado and Christine Schneider support this effort by visiting to give live seminars several times a year. Prior to meeting PK, Charlie studied with Liam Comerford, a student of Zheng Manqing, from 2001-2007, then Ben Lo (Luo Bangzhen) from 2008-2010. Shortly after beginning taiji Charlie lost interest in other martial arts and has not trained any since 2002.